I am a 2021 Computing Innovation Fellow and postdoctoral researcher in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University and in the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. I am fortunate to be co-mentored by Bryon Aragam and Pradeep Ravikumar.

Previously, I received my PhD in Computer Science from Purdue University, where I was advised by Jean Honorio. Before my PhD, I completed my BSc in Mechatronics Engineering from the National University of Engineering in Lima, Peru.

I serve as Production Editor of the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), the flagship journal for the field of machine learning. For JMLR related inquiries please reach out to bello@jmlr.org.


My research goal is to develop next-generation ML systems that will tackle some of the current major challenges, such as robustness, interpretability, and fairness. These systems necessitate a shift from standard statistical models that are susceptible to capture undesired nonlinear correlations to ones that can potentially unearth causal relations from data. To this end, I develop, analyze, and apply principled algorithms for causal ML, with a focus on causal discovery (NeurIPS’22, ICML’23, NeurIPS’23), which is a crucial step for developing the new wave of ML models, and learning invariant/causal representations (NeurIPS’23).

I also work in structured prediction, studying efficient learning with latent variables (NeurIPS’18), minimax bounds (AISTATS’20), and exact inference (NeurIPS’19, NeurIPS’20).


  • 09/22: Presenting DAGMA at the Bay Area Machine Learning Symposium (BayLearn) on Oct. 20!
  • 05/22: One paper accepted to ISIT.
  • 01/22: One paper accepted to AISTATS.
  • 09/21: Started a joint postdoc at UChicago and CMU.
  • 09/21: One paper accepted to NeurIPS.
  • 06/21: Excited to have been awarded the Computing Innovation Fellowship!
  • 04/21: One paper accepted to ISIT.
  • 04/21: Talk at Pradeep Ravikumar’s lab at CMU on April 15.
  • 04/21: Talk at David Sontag’s lab at MIT CSAIL on April 14.
  • 04/21: Talk at Tomaso Poggio’s lab at MIT CBMM on April 5.
  • 03/21: Honored to have been awarded the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship at Purdue!
  • 01/21: Talk at Peru’s 3rd Symposium of Deep Learning on Jan 29.
  • 09/20: Talk at TECHSUYO’20 on October 29.
  • 09/20: One paper accepted to NeurIPS.
  • 05/20: Summer internship at Facebook AI.
  • 01/20: One paper accepted to AISTATS.
  • 09/19: One paper accepted to NeurIPS.
  • 05/19: Summer internship at Facebook Ads Ranking team.
  • 09/18: Two papers accepted to NeurIPS.


  • Production Editor of the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
  • Mentor in the 2023 Data Science Institute Summer Lab (UChicago)
  • Web Chair of LatinX AI Workshop at ICML 2020
  • Reviewer:
    • NeurIPS: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
    • ICML: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021
    • ICLR: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021
    • CLeaR: 2024
    • AISTATS: 2021
    • AAAI: 2022
    • LATIN Symposium: 2022
    • IJCAI: 2020
    • Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
    • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
    • Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR)
    • Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (JCGS)